Barrell Bourbon Batch 017

A little background

Well my friendly neighborhood liquor store recently started carrying Barrell Bourbon products so in the name of science I decided to buy the newest batch (017) and give it a review since I haven’t seen many out there yet for this batch.  Batch 017 comes in at 112.5⁰ and 10yr 4mo old from bourbon distilled in TN, IN, and KY.  Barrell Bourbon prides itself on creating sourced cask strength whiskey batches and have gathered quite a bit of acclaim over the years so I’m excited to finally give their products a try.

Retail price of around $90.

(Tasted neat from a Glencairn.)

Color in the glass

Medium Amber


Sweet French Burnt Peanuts (the snack food), slightly medicinal Fred Flintstone Vitamin note.  This nose is a head scratcher, and a little too sweet for my liking.


Thankfully much spicier than the nose leads to believe with nutmeg, allspice, and anise.  The French Burnt Peanuts are still present but as prevalent as on the nose with a hint of pie crust.


Lingering oak and vanilla balanced nicely with the spices carrying over from the palate. Medium in length.

In closing

This is one interesting release to say the least.  The nose is, in my opinion, almost too cloyingly sweet.  Thankfully from there the experience balances itself out with a much spicier palate and oaky finish.  The French Burnt Peanut note was unexpected and something I’ve experienced with a whiskey.  It seems Barrell wants to create a different profile with each release and that alone is reason for me to continue buying their future projects.

Barrell Bourbon Batch 017

112.5 Proof











The Good

  • Cask Strength
  • Decent Availability

The Bad

  • Pricey
  • Cloying Sweet Nose


Eric is a whiskey collector and drinker from Huntington WV that enjoys sharing pours with those around him. You can follow along with his whiskey experiences and contact him via Instagram profile @barrelstrength_eric

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